Members of the Program Committee coordinate the review of all conference technical papers submitted to the IEEE Haptics Symposium. This board is composed of established scientists with a broad range of scientific backgrounds. We deeply appreciate their service to the haptics community and this conference.
Conference Editorial Board
The Conference Editorial Board ( assemble and coordinate the Program Committee for Haptics Symposium 2020.
- Veronica J. Santos (Editor in Chief), University of California, Los Angeles
- Fernando Bello, Imperial College London
- Ingvars Birznieks, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Program Committee
- Mehdi Ammi, University of Paris 8
- Matteo Bianchi, University of Pisa
- Seungmoon Choi, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
- Jeremy Cooperstock, McGill University
- Manuel Cruz, Immersion Corporation
- Benoit Delhaye, Université catholique de Louvain
- Massimiliano Di Luca, University of Birmingham and Facebook Reality Labs
- Antonio Frisoli, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
- Brent Gillespie, University of Michigan
- Vincent Levesque École de Technologie Supérieure
- Sile O’Modhrain, University of Michigan
- Shogo Okamoto, Nagoya University
- Miguel Otaduy, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Jason Potas, University of New South Wales
- Kyle Reed, University of South Florida
- Hannes Saal, University of Sheffield
- Evren Samur, Bogazici University
- Oliver Schneider, University of Waterloo
- Femke van Beek, Facebook Reality Labs
- Yasemin Vardar, Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems
- Yon Visell, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Johan Wessberg, University of Gothenburg
- Michaël Wiertlewski, TU Delft
WIP Editorial Board
- Marco Aggravi, IRISA
- Matteo Bianchi, University of Pisa
- Benoit Delhaye, University of Chicago
- Thomas Howard, IRISA
- Irene Kuling, l’Université Catholique de Louvain
- Troy McDaniel, Arizona State University
- Sarah McIntyre, Linkoping University
- Hikaru Nagano, Tohoku University
- Melisa Orta Martinez, Stanford University
- Gunhyuk Park, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Jussi Rantala, University of Tampere
- Hasti Seifi, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- Femke van Beek, Facebook Reality Labs