Author Instructions for Video Presentation Preparation

Deadline: May 20, 2020

The authors of each technical paper or IEEE Transactions on Haptics Short Paper are invited and strongly encouraged to prepare a video presentation of their paper. The videos will be disseminated via the IEEE Haptics Symposium YouTube channel, and will be organized into thematic playlists reflecting the originally planned conference program. We believe that this collection of online videos will provide a valuable resource for people around the world to learn about new advances in haptics, and for the contributions from the conference to be disseminated widely via social media.

All contributed video presentations will be eligible for the conference Best Video Presentation Award, which will be announced during the 2020 Haptics Symposium live streaming event in late June, 2020. To be eligible for the Best Video Presentation award, authors must upload their video before the deadline of May 20.

Please carefully follow these instructions for preparing your video presentation:

Your video should consist of a recorded oral presentation by one of the authors, consistent with community standards for conference oral presentations

Video presentation format:

Configure the following settings under “Edit Video” on the YouTube page for your video:

Set the title for your video as follows:

[LastNameOfFirstAuthor et al.], [ShortenedPaperTitle], 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium

For example:

Smith et al., Vibrotactile Massage in Virtual Reality, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020

Write the description of your video as follows:

[AuthorName1], [AuthorName2], … , [FullPaperTitle], Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020

[DOI in URL form - will be available via IEEE Xplore in coming weeks, please update as needed]

[Abstract Text as Published in Paper]

#haptics #haptics2020

For example:

K. Smith, B. Nelson, T. Xu, Vibrotactile Massage Methods in Virtual Reality, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020

Abstract: Many researchers have sought to introduce vibrotactile massage methods in virtual reality. However, prior approaches have proved inadequate. Here, we show …

#haptics #haptics2020 #vibrotactile #virtualmassage

Important: After uploading your video, enter the data about your video presentation using this form.

Thank you for your contributions to the 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium.